Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I skiped class......

I skipped chemistry class today for some reason. It's my first time to skip class in my life. I was in a little bad mood, and felt sorry to my family. Wanted to confess to my family, I called my mom on the way back to classroom. My mom asked: Don't you have class now? I said something else to convert her intention. I asked her for some encourgement. She told me to do anything not only by hand, but by "heart". I understood, and felt a warm current flowing across my mind. I will make every effort to fulfill the motto.


林彥廷 said...
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林彥廷 said...

it's ok, don't be upset anymore...

what is important is the moment "now", hold it tight. don't do anythihg that makes you regret. live with all ypur spirit and make it wonderful!!

live in time, looking forward, but never forget the past